News November 2018: studio exhibition dec. 1th
on Dc. 1th our annual studio exhibtion will be held in Berlin. We will open our studio doors from 12 – 6 p.m. Everyone interested in illustrations is welcome. Promise!
News Juni 2018:Artist retreat at the countryside
Together with some artist friends (two of them I didn’t even know before) I spent a weekend at the countryside. And we were like crazy working until two o‘ clock in the morning. We did two collaborational block prints and we had a lot of fun beeing together.
News April 18: New lids for messenger bags by (neue Deckel für) Ta(u)sche Taschen
Ich freue mich sehr, dass die Firma Tausche Taschen zwei Illustrationen von mir auf ihre Deckel gedruckt hat. Die Deckel der Taschen lassen sich je nach Lust und Laune tauschen. Hier gibt es die Taschen und die Deckel.

News März: 100 Frauen Projekt
On instagram is a nice project invented by some german illustrators to celebrate 100 years voting for woman. This book will be published by Jacoby &Stuart in fall 2018. I was so lucky to be chosen with my illustration of Else Lasker Schüler, a German Jewish poet I love deeply.
Illustrationen von 100 Frauen zum 100. Jubiläum des Frauenwahlrechts in Deutschland